Reigo & Bauer Portfolio Site

Over the years I've done a number of portfolio sites for friends and colleagues in architecture, and this is one of the later examples. 

Stephen & Merike were looking to update their portfolio site, in order to bring it more closely in line with their design values. The ambition of the studio is to bring exciting contemporary design to the masses. The site was completed in 2010. 

Design & Development

Additional older projects

I cut my digital-design teeth on small side projects, as a self-taught web designer and front end dev (HTML/CSS & PHP). I started working on projects for friends, and eventually expanded out to bidding on larger jobs in collaboration with other designers.

Many of the projects have long ago expired or been replaced (thankfully), but through the production of this work I learned a lot of lessons around both project process & delivery, and of the actual nuts and bolts of the development side.



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