Archives for May 2014

May 27, 2014 - No Comments!

signed zero.

both -0. and +0. are equal to 0. and equal among them selves.
ie. y==0. is true in both cases.
-0. is no less than 0.
y<0. is false

May 24, 2014 - No Comments!

Baudrillard described an arbitrary sign as something produced when, “instead of linking two persons in an unbreakable reciprocity, the signifier starts referring back to the disenchanted world of the signified, a common denominator of the real world to which no one has any obligation.” Videogames produce this sort of paradox in requiring depersonalized adherence to arbitrary order to qualify as play, while simultaneously engendering  forgetfulness of the ethics surrounding them the more game-like they become.


May 23, 2014 - No Comments!

  1. Product management: is responsible for discovery and definition of the scope.
  2. Project management: is responsible for execution and delivery of the scope.

product vs project, strategy vs operations.